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Recent Closed Loan: Student housing in Utah

Tags: student housing loans, financing for student housing properties
Wednesday, Jan 29, 2020
by Brandi L

Summary:  The Madison Group (TMG), arranged the financing for a $861,000 rate and term refinance for a student housing property in Utah. The borrower’s goals were to lower their interest rate with a 10-year term and close as expeditiously as possible.

TMG worked closely with the client and the lender to get the loan closed with a great rate and term. The underwriting occurred during the holidays, but TMG managed to close the loan in the month of January - meeting the borrower’s goals.

Location:  Utah

Property:   Student Housing Apartments  

Loan Amount: $ 861,000

Interest Rate: 4.125 %

Term:   10 Years

Amortization:  25 Years

Prepayment:   No prepayment penalty

LTV:   36%

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